When you really think about it, one of the most important features of any home, as well as being one of the most frequently used, is the simple door! Your doors are the design feature of your property that allow you to go in between rooms, as well as the feature that makes a statement at the front of the property at the same time as being able to keep you safe and secure.
Here at Lifestyle Windows, we can tell you that there are probably more options and variety in terms of doors than you might ever have imagined. With that in mind, here are some tips for door solutions on the Sunshine Coast.
There are plenty of different choices available for a front door these days. Wood is always the most obvious option, but don’t forget that there are also composite, aluminium, and even cladded steel varieties that can be chosen. It all depends on what you are looking for.
Do you want to have a decorative feature in the door itself? If so, this usually comes down to some kind of glass work replacing some of the panels. Stained glass is a very beautiful and popular option in this category and it can lend some old school charm to your home before you have even walked into the first room.
Match To Your Period
A smart piece of advice for homeowners is to always try to match your front door with the external look and period of your house. You are free to experiment as much as you want to with the interior, but from the exterior point of view it is always nice to maintain a suitable and sensible look for the rest of the street!
Don’t just make your choices based on aesthetics. You always want to make sure that the door you have in mind is going to be able to provide the kind of security and strength that you need.
So, if you are looking for these kinds of door solutions on the Sunshine Coast, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Lifestyle Windows. We encourage you to call one of our trained and experienced team members if you have any questions, they will be more than happy to provide you with the answers that you need. We look forward to hearing from you!